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Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Caseworker

The Sabean Mandaean Association Of Australia
  • 38 hours per week
  • Location: Liverpool, Southwest Sydney
  • Award: Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services (SCHADS) Industry Award 2010, Level 4
  • Period of Appraisal: After 3 months and then annually
  • Funded Under: Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Program

Background to Sabian Mandaen Association in Australia (SMAA)

SMAA, a refugee-led charitable community organisation, was established in 1983. SMAA has played a significant role in assisting members of the Mandaean community to settle and integrate into the Australian society. SMAA’s mission is to enhance the capacity of Mandaeans to fully participate in the social, economic and democratic life of the Australian society. SMAA provides a platform for the Mandaean community to share their ethnocultural traditions and hence strengthening Australian multicultural society. SMAA works towards promoting srong sense of belonging, social connection across cultures, and social cohesion.

Background to position

SMAA is witnessing much needed expansion of its settlement support and community capacity building services. This expansion coincides with the unprecedented increase in the number of Mandaean humanitarian entrants arrivals in the last couple of years. This trend is like to continue. Casework will play a significant role in this transition. Identifying and addressing the diverse needs of members of the Mandaean community through a strength-based, person-centred and trauma informed casework approaches will ensure Mandaeans participate actively in their community and the wider Australian community.


Responsible to: SETS Community Development and Service Manager



  • Qualifications in casework, community welfare, social work, health or the social science or significant experience in the area.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Australian settlement and other services relevant to refugees and humanitarian entrants. Including but not limited to Employment services , Centrelink, Housing , Service NSW , Tenancy and Financial support services ,etc 
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in person-centred, strength-based and trauma-informed casework, advocacy, partnership building and community liaison in a multicultural context. 
  • Demonstrated knowledge of settlement issues affecting individuals, families and communities from Mandaean background In particular economic Participation , health and Wellbeing, safety and security, social connections and belonging , language and digital literacy, education and access to institutions. 
  • Demonstrated experience in triage, casework, provision of information and client referrals
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English and Arabic: including computer literacy, and report writing. 


Experience in working with Mandaean community.


  1. Deliver triage and intake services that provide the opportunity for an initial needs-based assessment to be undertaken that determines the level of support required by the client.
  2. Provide low and medium-intensity casework support to clients requiring minimal assistance to meet their settlement needs and achieve their goals. Clients requiring low-intensity support will generally present with the knowledge and skills required to settle into their new community with minimal assistance from a service provider. The client may present at the service only once or at infrequent intervals, and may not see the same caseworker.
  3. Provide medium-intensity casework support to clients who are identified as requiring this through the needs assessment, which targets individual needs. Clients requiring medium-intensity support may present with a range of factors impacting on their settlement in Australia, but are not considered to require Specialised and Intensive Services under the Humanitarian Settlement Program.
  4. Address client needs through casework and targeted group sessions that align with the nine priority areas.
  5. Attend Monthly meetings with other SETS providers, ethno-specific community group representatives, other grassroots charities and STARTTS, CORE Community Services, South Western Sydney LHD, Refugee Support Network, Refugee Communities Advocacy Network, etc
  6. Strengthen relationships with other settlement and mainstream services at the operational level. This may include advocating with services for improved referral pathways and developing informal or formal partnerships.

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