Job Summary
- Applications close:
- Job posted on: 15th Feb 2021
At Uniting, we believe in taking real steps to make the world a better place. We work to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice.
With over 10,000 employees and volunteers working across more than 300 sites, our services are in the areas of aged care, disability, community services and chaplaincy.
Responsible for setting up and rolling out pressure injury prevention programs (PIPP), coaching and change management in the delivery and adoption of the contemporary practice development methodology and person-centred principles.
The role also requires the PIPP framework to be imbedded into practice by driving the requirements at service level and overseeing outcomes as you lead process and system improvement for the overall effective and consistent delivery of pressure injury programs across services in NSW & ACT.
As this role supports all of our Ageing Services, the role can be based at anyone of our facilities or offices locations and would require travel with NSW and ACT as required.
As an organisation, Uniting celebrates our diversity and welcome all people regardless of ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity.
We are bold, imaginative, respectful and compassionate.
For further information about this position, please contact Hayley Ryan, Practice Excellence Lead on 0408 547 295.
A copy of the position description can be found here: Practice Lead - PIPP