Australian Education Union (SA Branch)'s logo

Organiser - Support Staff

Australian Education Union (SA Branch)

The Australian Education Union (SA Branch) represents the industrial and professional interests of educator members employed in the public preschool, primary, secondary and TAFE sectors in South Australia.

We advocate and campaign for both the value and values of a strong, vibrant and high-quality public education system which is accessible to all South Australians and provides equitable opportunities and outcomes for all children and young people across the state.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People are encouraged to apply.

  • 1.0 FTE permanent.
  • Flexible and part-time requests will also be considered.
  • $136,755 per annum with leave conditions.

Role Summary

The Organiser (Support Staff) is a general Organiser position working in all sectors of public education with additional responsibilities and knowledge relevant to School Services Officers (SSOs) and Early Childhood Workers (ECWs). They are responsible for implementing campaigns and organising activities. They work as part of a team to recruit new members, find and develop activists and encourage involvement in Union Campaigns.

Statement of Key Responsibilities

  • Recruit, retain and activate Union members from all sectors of the membership.
  • Activate formal Union structures at meetings including, but not limited to, Sub-branch, Area, Committee and Council.
  • Be actively involved in the Union’s campaigns and organising activities including encouraging and facilitating member involvement.
  • Participate in the development, and implementation of AEU representative and membership education activities to build leadership capacity.
  • Visit workplaces regularly as part of implementing the team’s organising plans.
  • Report to the Lead Organiser and the Principal Officers on a regular basis about trends and recurring issues, the number of workplace visits, members recruited or upgraded and site activism levels, so that reports can be provided to Branch Executive and/or Council.
  • Work alongside members to identify and manage issues of concern in sites and work alongside to coach sub-branches to make workplace change. Bring issues to the attention of Leadership when further action is required.
  • Assist with Union publications, including the preparation of articles.
  • Provide up-to-date advice and resource materials to members in a polite, courteous and respectful manner.
  • Establish on-going connections and communication lines with SSOs and ECWs.
  • Advise Union Officers on issues and the work of SSOs and ECWs as it may relate to policy, networks and reports within the Union.
  • Develop organising plans, appropriate record keeping and detailed mapping of worksites and transferring this as required onto IMIS.

Organisers may be required to undertake other duties as requested by the Branch Secretary.

The Australian Education Union has a wide industrial coverage in government schools, preschools, and TAFE SA in South Australia.

Administrative Officers are appointed by AEUSA Branch Council for the term of office as specified in the job advertisement. A successful applicant is eligible for appointment for further terms.

Applicants for an administrative officer position should provide evidence of skills, experience and knowledge relevant to the position for which they are applying. Applicants are advised to respond to the requirements of the Job and Person Specifications in not more than 3000 words (including a CV).

Written applications addressed to the Branch Secretary must be received via the "Apply Now" button.

Written applications will be considered by a Review Committee which will recommend a preferred applicant for appointment by Branch Council. The review committee will comprise:

  • President or nominee
  • Branch Secretary or nominee
  • Up to three nominees of Branch Council
  • An Equal Opportunity nominee
  • Notwithstanding any decision of the Review Committee, an applicant who is a member of the AEUSA can bring their nomination personally to the attention of Branch Council.
  • A formal resolution of Branch Council is required to appoint an Administrative Officer. The appointment process is set out in full in AEU Federal Branch Rule 21.

A position description is attached.

Australian Education Union (SA Branch)'s logo
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