Job Application for

Community Network Lead - Flexible Location

Australia Palestine Advocacy Network

How to apply

Applications should address the professional skills required to undertake this position, drawing on recent experience to highlight these skills. Applicants should also include their CV and a cover letter.

Personal details

Your home location

Your most recent role

CV / Resume *

Cover Letter *

Other Documents

Max 3 additional documents

Enter a password

Enter a password to create your account. Next time you apply for a job, your personal details will be pre-filled so you won’t have to manually enter them.

By registering you agree to our privacy policy.

Having problems submitting this form? Email [email protected] and we can help you out.

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Job Description

Use your campaign and community oganising skills to build a dynamic activist community to advocate, educate and lobby in their community for a free Palestine where all live in justice and equality.