Job Summary
- Applications close:
- Job posted on: 14th Mar 2025
- Melbourne > CBD & Inner Suburbs Melbourne
The Centre is the peak body for child and family services in Victoria and Tasmania. For over 100 years we have advocated for the rights of children and young people to be heard, to be safe, to access education and to remain connected to family, community and culture. We represent over 150 community service organisations, students and individuals working across the continuum of child and family services, from prevention and early intervention to the provision of out-of-home care.
The Centre provides public policy and program advice, delivers sector training, facilitates and publishes research, advocates for positive reform and works with our member agencies to make sure children and families have access to the services and supports they need. We also provide consultancy services for the child and family services sector, run regular forums across a range of policy and practice areas, and manage projects designed to improve sector practice.
The Centre is a diverse and inclusive workplace, committed to the health, wellbeing and cultural safety of our staff. We encourage applicants of any background, culture, gender, and experience to apply for roles as these become vacant.
This exciting project has recently been extended for a further 12 months and continues to sit within the Centre’s Social Policy & Research team. It is funded by Family Safety Victoria to support key workforces, such as The Orange Door to use a child rights lens, identify and prioritise what is in the child’s best interests, fostering children and young people’s safety and wellbeing and to work in ways that support children and young people’s participation in the decision making and processes that affect them. It is about strengthening practice to keep children and young people first and foremost in our service system responses, promoting opportunities for child and young person inclusive practice and supporting workforces to make sure children and young people are safe and their wellbeing is nurtured.
A key aspect of the project will be to increase understanding of the pillars of wellbeing, which includes safety, and that recognition of these pillars is core to all work with children and young people. The project will continue to build upon the foundations developed in the earlier phases of the project and continue to work collaboratively with FSV’s program development team to support The Orange Door workforce enhance workforce capacity in child and young person wellbeing practice.
Portfolio: Social Policy & Research
Location: Hybrid work plan – home & Melbourne CBD office
Employment: Fixed term – 12 months
Time Fraction: Part time (0.9 negotiable)
The Centre is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of its staff. The Centre and its staff must comply with a range of statutory requirements including equal opportunity, occupational health and safety and privacy. The Centre requires staff to comply with its policies and procedures and related statutory requirements. Appointees are accountable for completing training on these matters and making sure their knowledge is up to date.
A relevant tertiary qualification (and/or experience within the community services sector)
If you have any queries about the role please contact Dr Michele Lonsdale on 9094 3521 or at [email protected] using the subject line: Senior Project Officer - Child and Young Person Wellbeing enquiry via EthicalJobs using the subject line: Senior Project Officer – Child Wellbeing.
A position description is attached.