Coach teachers to use strategies when they are experiencing learning or behavioural issues with students
Liaise with the Sub School Managers to develop coaching strategies for teachers
Develop positive relationships with students when managing them on a daily basis
Liaise with the Sub School Managers to develop effective programs and referral processes for students at risk
Case manager Tier 3 students as allocated following College policies and processes
Assist in student withdrawals and restorative conversations where necessary
Supervise behaviour management initiatives
Organise and manage work sessions and suspensions in consultation with relevant AP
Respond to major incidents after they have been contained by staff on duty (e.g. physical altercations, thefts)
Keep records of major and minor incidents
Communicate consequences as decided by the relevant AP to students and their families (red posts, demerits, warnings, work sessions, lunchtime detentions and suspensions) in relation to not following school values
Regular correspondence with parents around monitoring of progress and SSPs
Seek feedback from teachers and Sub School in regards to student behaviour
Liaise with all 3rd party stakeholders
Develop and Implement Student Support Plans (SSPs)
Conduct student and teacher restorative conversations
Organise and Conduct Student Support Group meetings (SSGs)
Implement merit programs that support student engagement and wellbeing
Liaise with the Sub School managers to monitor student learning needs as demonstrated by relevant School data:
The Attitudes to School Survey
Withdrawal data
Progress reports
Work completion data
Work session data and other feedback
Liaise with teachers to monitor student attendance and progress and to implement interventions as required
Organise parent meetings in relation to student learning and wellbeing and encourage others to build partnerships and have regular and open communication with the parent community
Promote and celebrate the achievements of students in the cohort
Coordinate the transition of students from one sub school to another and from one year level to another
Provide support for students to access course or career counselling and support in subject selection meetings where necessary
Identify and refer students to the Student Allied Health team
Attend student support and disciplinary meetings to provide strategies and advocate for students
Develop and manage absence learning plans and modified timetables in conjunction with the relevant AP
Conduct outreach activities within College guidelines
Liaise with alternative education settings to facilitate appropriate student pathways
State School Relief (SSR) processing and distribution
Other Duties
Other duties as reasonably required by the Principal or their delegate
Essential Knowledge
Counselling, Youth Work, Social Work or relevant community welfare field
Needs of young people and their families, particularly those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Key Selection Criteria
Applicants need to respond to the below key selection criteria questions with your application:
SC1 Demonstrated capacity to perform duties consistent with established guidelines and frameworks, including coordinating and supporting others in respect to specific work functions relevant to the role.
SC2 Demonstrated capacity to work and collaborate with others in a team environment.
SC3 Demonstrated capacity to communicate effectively in a team environment, including high level oral and written communication skills.
SC4 Possess the technical knowledge and expertise relevant to the position.
SC5 Demonstrated capacity to provide advice and support to management and other school staff in respect to the work area.
SC6 A commitment to professional learning and growth for both self and others.
How to apply
This job ad has now expired, and applications are no longer being accepted.