Job Application for


Crazy Ideas College

How to apply

To apply for this role, please follow these steps:

  • Record a 2-3-minute video answering the following questions. Please ensure this is uploaded to a 3rd party service (such as Youtube, Dropbox, etc) and shared via URL on your CV or within your application.
    • Who are you?
    • Why do you want to be a CIC Facilitator?
  • Provide written responses (maximum 100 words each) to the following questions:
    • Why do you think it’s important to ‘hold the space’ so that young people can be the insight generators?
    • What’s the craziest idea you’ve ever had?
    • What’s something that excites you about the future, and how do you see yourself playing a role in shaping it?
  • Submit your application including the link to your video and written responses via this site or email to [email protected].

Personal details

Your home location

Your most recent role

Questions about you *

Do you have a current full Australian driver's licence?
Do you have access to a current registered motor vehicle?
Do you have fluent oral and written communication skills in English?

CV / Resume *

Cover Letter *

Other Documents

Max 3 additional documents

Enter a password

Enter a password to create your account. Next time you apply for a job, your personal details will be pre-filled so you won’t have to manually enter them.

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Having problems submitting this form? Email [email protected] and we can help you out.

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Job Description

Join Crazy Ideas College as a Casual Facilitator! Lead high-energy workshops that equip young people with future-ready skills. It flexible, fun, and impactful.