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Podcast Technical Developer Tutor

Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre

KewNLC has project funding to develop a podcasting project to support and motivate young people with a disability to participate, contribute and benefit from mainstream community activities including arts, culture, sport and recreation. KewNLC has an exciting position to lead the development of the new podcast programme.

The podcast technical developer tutor will plan and manage the technical delivery including equipment, platforms, studio, production, hosting and monitoring.

The podcast project tutor will be working with young people with a disability and plan the project towards a social enterprise initiative.

Main Duties and Responsibilities

The principle duty of this position is to develop and team teach the ACFE funded pre accredited Creative Industries Course offered at KNLC.  This includes the following:

Plan and manage the technical delivery;

  • Equipment - Computer, mixer, microphones, cables, filters, headphones
  • Platforms- software,
  • Studio- Plan and install the set up, maintain the equipment
  • Produce episodes, recording, editing and publishing
  • Managing the hosting service, RSS feed, ID and directories‍
  • Analyse Podcast metrics

Plan and manage the technical training

  • Develop a course plan and session plans for the Creative Industries PodPlus course
  • Training and skilling of participants to perform technical processes
  • Ensure the curriculum is in line with comparative podcasting courses at TAFE institutions and Community organisations.
  • Provide a pathway of progression for participants who wish to pursue further studies
  • Complete all required ACFE paperwork by deadlines set by Administration and Programs & Training Coordinator
  • Support participants to complete Learner Plans and to achieve work outcomes
  • Collect samples of student work
  • Keep accurate attendance records
  • Attend ACFE cluster meetings when required

A position description is attached.

How to apply

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