How to apply
Application Process:
Applications are to be submitted to Alex Brown, Administration Coordinator
Late applications will not be considered.
Applications must include a current resume, and a statement addressing all Essential Selection Criteria. Desirable Criteria should only be answered where it enhances the application. Selection Criteria are found in Recruitment Kit attached to this advertisement.
Applications will not progress to an interview if all the essential selection criteria is not addressed or if we receive incomplete applications.
All applications will be acknowledged that they have been received by email.
Selection Process:
Selected applicants will be invited to attend an interview and will be given at least one week’s notice of the time and date.
Interviewees will be sent the interview questions at least 1 day prior to the interview.
Interviews will be conducted online via ZOOM or in person and will last 45 minutes – 1 hour.
All interviewees will be asked the same set of questions, although the panel reserves the right to include set tasks to complete as part of the interview process and/or to ask additional clarifying questions if necessary.
The panel will rank eligible applicants in order of preference.
The panel will check references as provided by the selected applicants.
The successful applicant will be offered the position. If they decline, the position will be offered to the next ranked applicant.
All unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email as soon as possible after the recruitment process is completed.
This role requires evidence of the following checks/clearances:
- National Criminal History Record Check in accordance with the Disability Inclusion Act 2014.
Primary COVID19 vaccination shots 1 & 2.
Eligibility to work and live in NSW, Australia.
Education or Skill Qualifications (if requested), that were used as part of their application or a requirement of the role.
Evidence of the above checks must be provided by the successful applicant prior to or within a specified period of the role starting. Employment is conditional upon satisfactory completion of these requirements.