Job Summary
- Applications close:
- Job posted on: 1st Jun 2021
Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation - a proud partner of The Orange Door - currently has two full-time positions available in Wangaratta and Wodonga Access point.
The positions will assist with Screening and triage, assessment, crisis responses, service planning, targeted interventions, allocation and coordinated referrals for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women, children and families.
The position will primarily work from The Orange Door location but will also remain connected and involved with Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation.
Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) is a Community Controlled Organisation that provides a range of services for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people living within the Ovens Murray region.
Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation was established in 1994 by local Aboriginal Community members with the aim to have a healthy and proud community through motivation, education and cultural acknowledgement and giving a sense of belonging.
A key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Family Violence and the Roadmap to Reform was to establish a network of Support and Safety Hubs across Victoria. These Hubs provide a new way for women, children and families experiencing family violence, and families who need assistance with the care and wellbeing of children, to access the services they need to be safe and supported. These Hubs, known as The Orange Door, are made up of staff employed by Family Safety Victoria (FSV), Community Service Organisations, Aboriginal services inc Mungabareena Aboriginal Corporation and DFFH.
Under the supervision of the Team Leader, the Practitioners will work with The Orange Door integrated team, providing a specialist approach focusing on holistic and culturally safe and responsive support to Aboriginal children, women, and families who are affected by Family Violence. These positions will rotate between the Assessment and Planning and the Screening, Identification and Triage teams.
Please Note: This is an Aboriginal Designated Position, classified under 'special measures' of section 12 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010. Only Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are eligible to apply.
For further enquiries about the role or to obtain a copy of the position description, please contact Program Manager Rebecca Cranage on 0417 787 349 or [email protected] using the subject line: Aboriginal Family Violence Practitioner enquiry via EthicalJobs.