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Members - First Nations, Advisory Committee on Social, Economic and Environmental Sciences - Goondiwindi

Murray-Darling Basin Authority
  • Up to 3-year term commencing June 2025
  • Sitting fees from $194.20 to $971.00

The Advisory Committee on Social, Economic and Environmental Sciences (ACSEES) is an important source of independent, strategic advice to the Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA). The committee is established under Section 203 of the Water Act 2007 and works to ensure the Basin Plan is implemented using best available science and knowledge and, robust methodology.

ACSEES advises on the science and knowledge that informs Basin Plan implementation and on the broader scientific context of the MDBA’s work. This includes environmental watering, adaptive management, climate change, social and economic conditions in the basin, First Nations peoples’ knowledges and the monitoring and evaluation of Basin Plan outcomes. Fostering partnerships and the communication of Basin science within academic, community and industry networks are also important components of the committee's role.

We are seeking multiple First Nations experts to join the committee members. Committee members will bring a depth of understanding of issues relevant to implementing the Basin Plan. The members will have high-level expertise in First Nations Science and Knowledge as well as expertise in one or more of the following fields: hydrology, ecology and natural resource management, climate science, regional economics, social and political science, law or public policy.

Members will also have a demonstrated understanding of the relationship between these fields and the areas of water governance and law, and government and political processes. Members will have strong links with the scientific community in their field of expertise.

Specific duties

In this role you will contribute to the provision of independent, strategic advice to the Murray–Darling Basin Authority:

  • Science Quality: provision of advice to improve the delivery of outputs developed by MDBA, to help to ensure that science is fit for purpose to meet objectives, scientific peer review and quality assurance. 
  • Science Health: provision of advice on science and capability and capacity related issues.
  • Future: provision of advice to inform future direction and priorities.
  • Engaging: engaging with internal MDBA staff on activities and emerging issues, and engaging externally with the research and knowledge community.
  • Communications: provision of advice on the MDBA's approach to key messaging, communiques and contribution to thought leadership in science and general population.  
  • Expert research, science contribution and design: provision of advice into research or scientific design.

How to Apply:

To complete your application, you must provide your:

  • Curriculum Vitae; and
  • A statement of claims of no more than 750 words outlining why you should be considered for the First Nations identified role on the Advisory Committee on Social, Economic and Environmental Sciences.

Affirmative Measure: 

The filling of these vacancies is intended to constitute an affirmative measure under section 8(1) of the 'Racial Discrimination Act 1975'. This vacancy is only available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait people.


Enquiries should be directed Jody O’Connor, Director Strategic Science [email protected] using the subject line: Members – First Nations, Advisory Committee on Social, Economic and Environmental Sciences - Goondiwindi enquiry via EthicalJobs.

A position description is attached.

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