Council for Intellectual Disability's logo

Project Workers x3 - Intellectual Disability

Council for Intellectual Disability
  • Part time contract until 30 June 2025.
  • You must have lived experience of intellectual disability for this job.
  • This job is Level 4.1 under the SCHADS Award.

About CID

At CID we:

  • Want a community where all people with intellectual disability are valued
  • Speak up for the rights of people with disability
  • Provide information and support people to learn.

About the job

You will be an important part of the project teams that design and runs workshops.

  • Do you want to speak up for the rights of people with disability?
  • Are you good at working with other people?
  • Do you want to be part of a team?
  • Do you know how to use a computer?

We have 3 jobs to work on 2 exciting projects that:

  • Help people who speak a different language to learn about making their own decisions with support


  • Support people with intellectual disability to think about a good job.

The CID office is near Central Station in Sydney. We also work from home on Teams.

For more information contact Kellie or Juliana on 1800 424 065.

Or email [email protected], using the subject line: Project Workers x3 - Intellectual Disability enquiry via EthicalJobs.

A position description and Easy Read job guide are attached.

How to apply

This job ad has now expired, and applications are no longer being accepted.
Council for Intellectual Disability's logo

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