Job Application for

Climate Justice Coalition Convenor - Melbourne / Sydney / Brisbane Australia

How to apply

To apply, send a copy of your CV via the form below, along with a response of no more than 2 pages total to the following questions:

  • What do you see as the biggest opportunities to grow the grassroots climate justice movement on this continent over the next two years?
  • What is your experience working in networks or collaborations? What do you think is required to make collaborations a success?
  • Can you describe your experience with community organising and movement building?

Given the nature of this role, your application will be considered by a panel drawn from the six organisations part of the Climate Justice Coalition. All applications will be treated confidentially by panel members.

Personal details

Your home location

Your most recent role

CV / Resume *

Cover Letter *

Other Documents

Max 3 additional documents

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Having problems submitting this form? Email [email protected] and we can help you out. Australia's logo

Job Description

The Climate Justice Coalition Convenor will support the coalition to develop a shared strategy, narrative, organising model and tactics and coordinate activities.