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Tiwi Leaders Forum Coordinator - Tiwi Islands

Tiwi Land Council

Organisational Overview

The Tiwi Land Council was established on 18 August 1978, following representation by the Tiwi people to the Federal Government for recognition of their distinct geographic and cultural identity.

The Tiwi Land Council represents all Tiwi people in the protection of our land, sea, and environment, while at the same time supporting sustainable economic development to improve Tiwi lives through employment, income, education and health opportunities. Our reputation is founded on our cultural and leadership strengths, following in the footsteps of our visionary leaders.

An independent and resilient Tiwi society built on the orderly management, maintenance and protection of unique cultural and natural resource values for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations of Tiwi.”

Position Overview

Note: Special Measure Provisions Apply. No other applicants will be considered as the position is identified for Aboriginal people only, in accordance with the federal Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) and relevant state and territory discrimination laws.

The Tiwi Leaders Forum (TLF) was created to provide a platform for Tiwi leaders to identify community priorities and for all Tiwi organisations and stakeholders to collaborate and deliver Tiwi-led solutions for Tiwi people. The forum is informed by the Tiwirrampila Place Based Plan (the Plan). The Plan sets out how Tiwi people, governments and key stakeholders will work together on community needs and priorities to improve outcomes for Tiwi people and build a sustainable future. This will be achieved through collaborative place-based practice.

Reporting to the Manager, Tiwi Engagement & Strategy, the Tiwi Leaders Forum Coordinator will oversee and facilitate the governance and administration critical on of the forum. Included in the Plan are provisions for Action Groups. The Tiwi Leaders Forum will set the priorities and endorse the membership for these Action Groups. The Action Groups will monitor current services providing Tiwi people with greater visibility and say over the services delivered in the community, leading to informed and coordinated decision making. The Action Groups will look at opportunities and strategies around issues affecting Tiwi and identify potential solutions. The action groups will report back to the Tiwi Leaders Forum.

This position will act as the key point of contact within the community for issues to be raised through the Tiwi Leaders Forum, as they arise.

Role responsibilities

The Tiwi Leaders Forum Coordinator is responsible for the organisation and governance of The Tiwi Leaders Forum (TLF) and the associated Action Groups. This position is responsible for:

  • Working in collaboration with the Manager of Tiwi Engagement & Strategy, to implement the Tiwirrampila Placed Based Plan across the Tiwi Islands
  • Preparing and achieving consensus on the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Tiwi Leaders Forum and all associated Action Groups.
  • Establishing a calendar outlining Tiwi Leaders Forum and Action Group meetings dates, locations and times.
  • Coordinating and facilitating the governance of the Tiwi Leaders Forum, including:
    • Meeting notices; establishing a quarterly 2025 meeting calendar; venue bookings; catering; agendas; minute-taking and action item spread sheets.
  • Working with each Action Group to identifying and implement priority action items, with action-item spreadsheets to be presented back to Tiwi Leaders Forum meetings; TLC Clan Meetings; Executive Committee and Full Council and the Tuwurrampila Cultural Committee (as appropriate).
  • Provide a point of contact within the community for arising issues.
  • Work with members of the Tiwi Leaders Forum and its associated Action Groups to facilitate solutions to identified issues.
  • Act as a support to the Manager of Tiwi Engagement & Strategy, with hosting Tuwurrampila Cultural Committee meetings and projects.
  • Coordinate the work of the Tiwi Leaders Forum Liaison Officer(s), with support from the Manager, Tiwi Engagement and Strategy.

What's on offer

  • $80,000 to $85,000 base per annum (negotiable dependent on experience) on a 3year fixed term, full-time period (extension subject to funding)

Council offers some great benefits including a competitive and attractive remuneration package; option to salary package up to $15,900 per annum, access to our Employee Assistance Program, 6weeks annual leave and training and development opportunities.

Next steps

If you are seeking a challenging and exciting new role for 2024/2025 , we encourage you to apply.

For more information and to request a copy of the position description, please email [email protected] using the subject line: Tiwi Leaders Forum Coordinator - Tiwi Islands enquiry via EthicalJobs.

A position description is attached.

Note: Council reserves the right to commence short-listing and interviews, prior to the closing date.

How to apply

This job ad has now expired, and applications are no longer being accepted.
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