Job Application for

Wildcare Tasmania Board Memberships x4 (Voluntary) - Hobart / Launceston

Wildcare Tasmania

How to apply

Individuals interested in being considered for election are invited to review the Wildcare Board Role Description (attached) and submit a one-page expression of interest and CV outlining their relevant skills and experience.

Expressions of interest are to be uploaded to EthicalJobs, to Donna Burton, Wildcare Tasmania Chair.

Board members will be elected by Wildcare members at the Wildcare Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, 3 April 2025, at 7:00 pm (via Zoom). Candidates are expected to attend the AGM, and their expressions of interest and CVs will be made available to Wildcare members prior to the meeting.

Personal details

Your home location

Your most recent role

CV / Resume *

Cover Letter *

Other Documents

Max 3 additional documents

Enter a password

Enter a password to create your account. Next time you apply for a job, your personal details will be pre-filled so you won’t have to manually enter them.

By registering you agree to our privacy policy.

Having problems submitting this form? Email [email protected] and we can help you out.

Wildcare Tasmania's logo

Job Description

Call For Nominations - Wildcare Tasmania is seeking expressions of interest for four volunteer Board member roles.