Job Application for

Communications & Engagement Officer - Dubbo / Orange / Bathurst

Western NSW Primary Health Network

How to apply

Include in your application:

  • A cover letter introducing yourself and outlining your interest in the position
  •  Statement addressing each of the selection criteria (as listed on the last page of the attached information package document)
  •  Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV) that should include information about:
  1. contact details including telephone number and email address
  2. education/qualifications
  3. an employment history summary including (for each position):
    • the employer
    • start and finish dates
    • your position/title
    • your responsibilities and achievements in the position
  4. a summary of your skills
  5. professional memberships
  6. the names of two work related referees (must be work related and senior to the position you hold), and other relevant information that will support your application not covered elsewhere.

PLEASE NOTE: As part of your application, you must provide a separate statement addressing each of the selection criteria as well as your resume. If you do not provide these two documents, your application will automatically not be accepted. 

Personal details

Your home location

Your most recent role

CV / Resume *

Cover Letter *

Other Documents

Max 3 additional documents

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Job Description

You will be involved in developing and executing campaigns, managing key stakeholder relationships, and leading various engagement and event initiatives. Dubbo, Orange or Bathurst location.