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Tenancy Support Case Manager - Pathways to Independence Program

Wombat Housing Support Services

About Wombat Housing and Support Services In

Wombat Housing and Support Services Inc is one of the largest providers of housing support services to people in the Western Metro Region. It is a community based organisation managed by a Board.

The culture of Wombat is about:

  • Integrating new programs and ideas
  • Providing services that are accessible, transparent, fair & equitable
  • Being sensitive to diverse in all its forms
  • Recognising the right of all age groups to access appropriate services, including children, young people and older people
  • Cross program service delivery
  • Embracing and generating change that is positive
  • Accountability, inquiry and reflection
  • Hearing and accounting for different views
  • A workforce representing diversity in experience, age and ability
  • Valuing staff and encouraging wellbeing
  • Providing a flexible and supportive work environment.

Wombat’s existing services include:

  • Support & advocacy for social housing tenants
  • Support programs for Department of Health and Human Services youth clients
  • Transitional support services for Families, Single People and Youth
  • Support programs for young people on parole and leaving care.

Wombat is also the auspice for the Western Homelessness Networker and the LGBTI Homelessness and Family Violence Project.

Pathways to Independence Program

Wombat’s Pathway-to-Independence Program is an innovative new housing transition program for young people aged 17 to 21 that are exiting DHHS Care (residential, lead tenant, foster or kinship care).

The Program targets young people who are assessed as having low to moderate needs and who are able to demonstrate a willingness to engage with support and to live in a shared setting with outreach support. The Program assists participants to develop the life skills necessary to enable them to attain independence and long-term housing stability.

The program explores all housing options for young people and has the capacity to assist young people in obtaining head leased private rental. There is also an outreach component to the model.

The Program utilises the Housing Readiness for Young People (HRYP) tool for assessment and planning. This inter-active tool was specifically developed by Wombat in conjunction with western metro leaving care services to engage young people and their supports in an on-going process to determine strengths and identify gaps. This then provides a basis for the development of holistic, individual plans focused on attaining stable, independent housing.

The PIP program is integrated in Wombat’s existing youth services, particularly those provided to young people leaving care (Continuing Care THM and Support From Care Intensive Outreach Programs).

The Position 

The position is one of a team two outreach Tenancy Support Case Managers who provide intensive case managed tenancy and living skills support to young people residing in independent accommodation. The housing is usually (THM) properties managed by Wombat’s partner organisation (Unison) from which the young people graduate into supported head-leased private rental or community housing. Though there is also flexibility to pursue other options. The worker supports the young people in this transition via a comprehensive assessment that identifies support needs and required skill development.

There is also scope to develop and improve upon the model to meet the individual needs of the clients. As a result there is a strong evaluative component to the role.

Services are provided on an outreach basis; workers will be based at Wombat’s office in Melrose St, North Melbourne.

The Tenancy Support Case Managers provide intensive direct service delivery, which is reflected in the case-loads (indicative case load 1:9 per team member).

For more information refer to the Position Description attached.

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