Job Application for

Financial Counsellor / Financial Capability Worker - Adelaide

Zahra Foundation Australia

How to apply

To apply for the Head of Financial Counselling Services position at The Zahra Foundation, please follow these instructions:

  1. Cover Letter:

    • Address your cover letter to Buffy - Head of Financial Counselling.
    • Clearly outline your interest in the role and how your skills, experience, and qualifications align with the key responsibilities and requirements listed in the job advertisement.
    • Highlight your understanding of and commitment to The Zahra Foundation’s mission and values.
  2. Resume:
    • Provide a detailed resume that includes your work history, educational background, and any relevant certifications.
    • Ensure your resume reflects your experience in: Delivery of Financial Counselling Services, Quality and Compliance in Practice, Project Management and Admin, Stakeholder Engagement, Experience in Financial Counselling Services and Managing the Delivery of grant programs or services.
  3. Key Selection Criteria:
    • Address each of the key selection criteria listed in the job advertisement.
    • Provide specific examples from your past experience that demonstrate your skills and competencies related to each criterion.
  4. References:
    • Include at least two professional references who can speak to your qualifications and experience relevant to this role.
    • Provide their full names, positions, contact information, and their relationship to you.
  5. Submission:
    • Compile your cover letter, resume, key selection criteria responses, and references into a single PDF document.
    • Name your PDF file in the following format: LastName_FirstName_Application.pdf.
  6. Apply:
    • Submit your application via the prompts
    • Ensure you complete all required information is in the application form before submitting.

We appreciate your interest in joining The Zahra Foundation team and look forward to reviewing your application.

Personal details

Your home location

Your most recent role

CV / Resume *

Cover Letter *

Other Documents

Max 3 additional documents

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Job Description

deliver financial counselling services and support economic empowerment for domestic violence survivors. Ensure high-quality, trauma-informed service delivery.