Job Summary
- Applications close:
- Job posted on: 11th Mar 2020
Zero Emissions Noosa Inc. (ZEN) is a community organisation working to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across the Noosa region by 2026.
In May 2016, Noosa Council adopted an Emissions Reduction Policy committed to a target of zero net emissions for the organisation by 2026. ZEN Inc., as a volunteer community group, has picked up that mantle and is leading the community response to the Noosa Council’s vision. ZEN Inc. is taking a lead in reducing the carbon footprint of residents and visitors, to maintain and enhance Noosa Shire’s environmental sustainability. ZEN Inc’s strategic goal is to reduce Noosa Shire business & household (stationary energy) emissions by 11% per annum through energy efficiency and solar PV to assist in reaching the target.
ZEN Inc. commissioned two key reports in 2017- 2018. They have provided the evidence base for its actions in working to achieve its vision. It’s Strategic Plan 2019 – 2021 and associated actions plans for its two working groups – ZEN E (Electricity) Action Group & ZEN Transport Action Group (ZENTAG) guide the work of it’s volunteer members in project work together with a paid coordinator for one day a week.
ZEN is seeking Expressions of Interest from people with the passion, skills and enthusiasm to help it achieve its vision.
ZEN Inc. welcomes applications from people who demonstrate skills, experience or knowledge in at least one (and preferably more) of the following: