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Chair and Members - Nature Repair Committee

Dep. of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
  • Apply to join Australian Government statutory committee, established to provide independent, expert advice on the governance of the Nature Repair Market.
  • Contribute to nature repair across Australia
  • Highly knowledgeable and diverse experts needed
  • Part time roles

The Nature Repair Market 

The Australian Government is developing the Nature Repair Market (the market) to mobilise private finance to repair and protect our natural environments. The market is part of the Australian Government’s Nature Positive Plan to protect more of what’s precious; repair more of what’s damaged, and better manage nature for the future. It is being established in close consultation with First Nations organisations, environmental non-government organisations, ecologists, environmental market participants and others.

With a growing interest in nature’s investment potential, the market will make nature-related investment easier and drive nature repair across Australia.

The Nature Repair Act 2023 (the Act) establishes a transparent framework for a national, legislated, voluntary, biodiversity market, whereby Australian landholders can be issued with tradable biodiversity certificates for projects that enhance, protect, manage or restore biodiversity in native species (projects). 

The Act establishes the Nature Repair Committee (the committee) as an expert committee that reviews proposed methodologies, which will set the rules for how a project is to be carried out and the circumstances in which a biodiversity certificate will be issued. 

Under the Act, biodiversity integrity standards are intended to ensure that projects deliver genuine improvements in nature. Projects may be: 

  • on land
  • part of inland waterways (lakes and rivers)
  • in marine and coastal environments (within 12 nautical miles of the low water mark)
  • on the Australian mainland or external territories.

Examples of projects might include: 

  • improving or restoring native vegetation through activities such as fencing or weeding; 
  • planting a mix of local native species; 
  • protecting rare grasslands that provide habitat for an endangered species;
  • hessian bag seagrass plantings to restore seagrass meadows, or
  • removing tidal barriers to restore mangroves, saltmarshes and mudflats.

The market will be regulated by the Clean Energy Regulator. 

The Nature Repair Committee

The Nature Repair Committee consists of a part-time chair and four or five part-time members. Each role is appointed by the Minister for the Environment and Water (the minister). The committee will have its own secretariat.


The committee will provide independent expert advice to the minister and Secretary of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (department). Responsibilities will include:

  • advising the minister on the development and prioritisation of methodology determinations
  • monitoring compliance of methodology determinations with biodiversity integrity standards
  • undertaking periodic reviews and public consultation on key components of the Nature Repair Market.


In addition to the responsibilities of all members of the committee described above, the chair has additional responsibilities, including:

  • leading the operationalisation of the new committee, including input on processes and procedures
  • chairing all committee meetings
  • setting the agenda, and facilitating the proper and effective functioning of the committee, supported by the secretariat
  • serving as the primary point-of-contact between the committee and the minister, secretary and department and other key stakeholders, ensuring communications with stakeholders are transparent, timely, accurate and relevant
  • providing authoritative, robust and technical advice to the minister on the integrity of the methodologies, including new methodology development and prioritisation methodology variations and outcomes, and existing methodology reviews
  • leading public and industry consultation—including with scheme stakeholders—on reviews of methods
  • serving as the public face of the committee. 

Under s 198 of the Act, the chair must not be: 

  • an employee of the Commonwealth
  • an employee of an authority of the Commonwealth
  • a person who holds a full-time office under a law of the Commonwealth.

Selection criteria


Under s 198 of the Act, in appointing a person to a Role, the Minister must be satisfied that the person has: 

  • substantial experience or knowledge
  • significant standing,

in at least one of the following fields of expertise:

  • agriculture
  • biological or ecological science
  • economics
  • environmental markets
  • Indigenous knowledge
  • land management

The Act differentiates fields (d) and (g) above (bolded for emphasis), requiring the Minister to ensure there is at least one person appointed to a role with substantial experience or knowledge—and significant standing in—those fields.

Each person appointed to a role may have gained their experience, knowledge and standing from a range of sectors, including:

  • academia and research
  • industry and operations, especially agricultural operations
  • investment markets
  • government
  • for-purpose organisations, such as think-tanks.

It is expected that applicants will have relevant qualifications in one or more fields; higher degrees will be well-regarded.

Additional selection criteria

In addition to the statutory requirements, those appointed to the roles will demonstrate: 

  • strong communication and collaboration skills to effectively foster meaningful engagement with relevant stakeholders, particularly in a multi-disciplinary environment
  • strong analytical and critical thinking skills
  • professionalism and personal integrity
  • a commitment to high standards of governance. 

The chair will also demonstrate: 

  • experience serving as a chair of a board or committee
  • demonstrated high-level leadership and vision
  • a strong understanding of government.


The Australian Government values diversity with respect to the composition of government boards and committees, and considers diversity—in all its forms—a fundamental component of creating a fairer, more inclusive Australia. Accordingly, applications are encouraged from those from the following backgrounds:

  • First Nations, including for the member with substantial experience or knowledge—and significant standing—in Indigenous knowledge
  • culturally & linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • persons from regional and rural Australia
  • persons from all states and territories
  • all genders
  • people with a disability.


Under s 199 of the Act, appointments will be for terms of no longer than:

  • five years for the chair
  • three years for other members.

The chair and other members are eligible for reappointment.

Location & meeting frequency

Those appointed to the roles may be based anywhere in Australia. Meetings will be a mix of virtual and in-person, mostly in Canberra. The committee is expected to meet up to 12 times in the first year following establishment, with each meeting typically running for two days. Meeting frequency is likely to reduce in subsequent years. 

In addition to preparing for and participating in meetings, the Chair and other members can expect to spend—on average—~two additional days per month working on the committee.


The per day fee for the roles has been determined by the Remuneration Tribunal at: 

  • A$1,247 for the chair
  • A$938 for other members,
  • with an entitlement to Tier 2 travel.

Application process

For a detailed role specification, please contact Helen Johnson at Challis & Company, the consultants advising the department, on +61 2 8039 2223 or at [email protected] using the subject line: Chair and Members - Nature Repair Committee enquiry via EthicalJobs.

To apply for these positions, please click 'Apply Now' to complete the online application form.

The online application form requires you to provide the following information:

  • how you meet each of the selection criteria
  • details of two professional referees
  • any conflicts of interest
  • a curriculum vitae of no more than five pages 

Challis & Company is simultaneously undertaking a board search for these roles.

How to apply

This job ad has now expired, and applications are no longer being accepted.
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