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Social Impact Measurement Lead - Remote / Work from Home

Global Sisters

The focus of this role is to:

  • Implement and continually improve the quality and effectiveness of Global Sisters' Direct Impact & Systems Change measurement tools and data collection systems and processes
  • Oversee impact measurement for the outcomes-based demonstration projects and any social impact investments
  • Prepare and report Global Sister's social impact data and align insights with the Global Sisters' marketing activities

about us

Global Sisters is a not-for-profit that makes business possible for women across Australia.

We support the creation of new jobs and increased economic participation via micro business. Our purpose is to unlock women’s potential and overcome the barriers stopping her, so she can create her own employment, become financially resilient, stand tall and influence her family and community.

Incredible things happen when you back women. They start-up and grow businesses, lift up communities, and make the economy a more equal, inclusive place. All these women need is the same backing given to everyone else - #BackHerBrilliance.

Impact at Global Sisters

Global Sisters developed our impact framework with and for our Sisters (the women we support) at inception. It is a critical component of what we do- not only to prove our impact to supporters, but to continually improve our programs and outcomes for Sisters and to gather an evidence base for systems change.

Global Sisters has an award-winning social impact framework that has been recognised by both Government and the sector:

  • 2022 SIMNA Award for Innovation, recognising Global Sisters as a leader and innovator in the sector. This award recognised the importance of a gender approach to impact measurement and connecting direct program and systems change impact (read more here)
  • 3-year DSS impact investment readiness fund to scale our impact model and share with the sector.

Our Impact Roadmap connects our direct impact and systems change interventions to achieve long-term economic security outcomes for women- and is documented in our Theory of Change (available here).

Global Sister's systems change work and demonstration projects mean that this role will be a unique opportunity to be at the cutting edge of social impact measurement and systems change in Australia.

Read more on our impact here.

How to apply

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