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Ordinary Board Member (Voluntary)

Mental Health Carers NSW

2 days left to apply

Mental Health Carers NSW is looking for an Ordinary Board Member

As the peak body, MHCN works with and for mental health carers in NSW. We represent the voices and lived experience of carers which help us to advocate systemically for mental health reform.

We are currently recruiting a new volunteer to fill a vacancy for an Ordinary Board Member on MHCN’s managing Board.

MHCN is looking for someone to help it advocate to government and the community to develop a mental health system that works for the families and carers of people who live with serious and persistent mental health concerns, and their loved ones; the consumers of mental health services.

MHCN is an inclusive organisation but the general experience which we are interested in recruiting to the Board includes:

  • Lived experience of supporting people with mental health concerns to use NSW mental health services, and/or
  • Professional experience in other relevant mental health or carer support programs or services.

Specific experience which we are interested in recruiting to the Board includes:

  • Professional experience working in the NSW Health Family Carer Mental Health Program (FCMHP), and/or
  • Legal expertise in mental health or community managed organisation governance relevant areas.

While these are our preferred criteria, if you have ever been on a community board before, or have thought about volunteering on one, and these areas are of interest to you please feel free to get in touch.


If you are selected as a Board member you will be required to:

  • Be familiar with and observe the Constitution, the Board Governance policies and other relevant MHCN policies and documents.
  • Observe the standards of ethical behaviour set out in the Code of Conduct.
  • Disclose conflicts of interest in line with the Governance policies.
  • Attend at least 75% of meetings and come to meetings having read the papers.
  • Exercise competence and diligence in the understanding and oversight of organisational management and the preparation of the annual audited financial report that is to be disclosed to the public.
  • Contribute actively to Board discussions and consideration of decisions, and to commit time to Board work outside of meetings when needed.
  • Promote a culture of clear and positive communication, and monitor key culture indicators such as psychological safety, inclusion, belonging, wellbeing and diversity.
  • Be a team player, work in a collegial way and stand behind decisions of the Board once they are made.
  • Participate in organisational policy reviews and complete agreed tasks and commitments.
  • Advise if no longer able to contribute to the level required.

Term and Election

An appointed member of the Board may be selected at any time subject to concurrent membership of the organisation. You may join the organisation at any time here:

The term of an appointed Board member ends at the next AGM after their appointment. However, appointed Board members will be encouraged to stand for election at that AGM, and if successful, would serve a two-year term in line with other elected members.

Recruitment Process

  • To apply for this role, please click Apply Now to submit your application.
  • Late applications will not be considered.
  • All applications will be acknowledged that they have been received by email.

Selection Process

  • Complete applications (including a resume, cover letter and Board Member Application form) will be submitted to existing Board members for review.
  • 2-3 Board members will review the applications and create a ‘shortlist’ based on a matrix determined by the criteria listed in this job advertisement.
  • Successful shortlisted candidates will proceed to an interview.
  • Interviewees will be sent the interview questions 1 day prior to the interview.
  • Interviews will be conducted online via ZOOM or in person and will last 45 minutes – 1 hour.
  • All interviewees will be asked the same set of questions, although the panel reserves the right to include set tasks to complete as part of the interview process and/or to ask additional clarifying questions if necessary.
  • The panel will rank eligible applicants in order of preference.
  • The panel will check references as provided by the selected applicants.
  • The successful applicant will be offered the position. If they decline, the position will be offered to the next ranked applicant.
  • All unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email as soon as possible after the recruitment process is completed.

MHCN will endeavour to recruit members to the Board that reflect the diversity of the services provided and the community it serves.

Full criminal record checks and effective referee and previous employment checks are required for all Board members.

For more information please refer to the Recruitment Kit attached to this advertisement which contains the last Annual Report and a history of the organisation, or, for any other questions, please contact Alex Brown at [email protected] or by phone on 02 9332 0777.

Position Description

Ordinary Board Member (OBM) of Mental Health Carers NSW Inc (MHCN)

As an OBM of MHCN you will be responsible for overseeing the overall affairs of the organisation as well as ensuring it operates in alignment with its Mission and Vision and in keeping with the Code of Conduct.

Responsibilities of Board Members:

Mission, Vision and Directions

  • Decide and maintain the vision, mission, and strategic directions of MHCN.
  • Establish the values and principles that shape organisational culture.
  • Continually assess the strategic directions and priorities to fit the mission.
  • Monitor and critically review organisational performance and outcomes.
  • Provide effective governance and leadership.

Broad Policy Setting

  • Decide the principles and broad policy that guide strategic leadership and management of MHCN.
  • Endorse high-level policy positions that are used in the public arena.


  • Monitor and oversee overall financial performance, ensuring the organisation remains solvent.
  • Ensure the annual budget reflects the Strategic Plan and the priorities and directions set by the Board.
  • Plan for long-term financial security and sustainability.
  • Establish executive limitations for financial management by the CEO.

Compliance and Risk Management

  • Monitor and take action to manage major risks with respect to legal, financial, and industrial issues, legal compliance and public reputation.
  • Ensure the organisation operates within the law and honours contractual and ethical obligations.


  • Ensure robust recruitment and employment practices that include probity checking practices.
  • Recruit and employ the CEO - give direction, appraise performance, provide support, and encourage professional development.
  • Plan for and manage CEO succession.
  • Establish policies that provide for good industrial relations with employees.
  • Foster a culture of openness about mental health and wellbeing and ensure active support from management and access to formal mental health services including digital tools and technologies.
  • Be involved in recruitment processes, disputes, and appeals as required, and other duties as per the Delegations of Authority Policy and Compliance Policy.


  • Ensure the requirements of the Constitution are met with respect to obligations to members.
  • Ensure the organisation is adaptable, flexible and responsive to changes.
  • Review and continually improve the ways the organisation reports to and communicates with members, volunteers, funders, donors, partners, and key stakeholders.
  • Work with management to ensure reporting and accountability systems are timely and to an appropriate standard.
  • Work with management to ensure that data collection and information management systems are adequate to support all reporting needs.
  • Oversee Board Development and Succession.
  • Oversee and review the governance policies.
  • Mutually monitor the performance of fellow Board members.
  • Develop a range of strategies to ensure governance training and to build the skills of the Board

Public Relations

  • Contribute to raising a positive profile of MHCN and issues with Ministers, state and national government agencies, the community and key business and community leaders.

Board Members

  • Plan and manage succession, including induction of new Board members.
  • Commit to the application of the principles of quality improvement across the organisation.

Please view the attachments below.

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2 days left to apply

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