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NSW Campaigners x2 (Voluntary Position) - Flexible Location NSW



RUN FOR IT seeks to change the problems with politics. We want to help young community leaders and people from historically marginalised communities enter the democracy and set a new agenda. We want to encourage and support energetic and bold young people to run strategic and successful campaigns to create a better kind of politics in Australia.

Our Values

Climate and Environmental Justice

We fight for climate action by pursuing zero emission policies, opposing the influence of the fossil fuel industry and centring people who are most affected by climate impacts.

Economic Justice

Everyone has the right to dignity, security and the ability to meet their needs. No one should live in poverty. We oppose policies that put public goods in private hands and we fight for universal services that give everyone a chance at a fulfilling and healthy life.

Social Justice

We believe that opportunities, and privileges should be fairly distributed within a society. No person should be treated differently based on their race, background, gender, sexuality, able-bodiedness or class. We will be actively anti-racist and work to dismantle systems of oppression.

Our Vision

We envision a world where politics accurately represents young people and takes the needs and concerns of young people seriously. Where young people face no barriers to engaging in politics and feel comfortable speaking up for what they believe in.

A type of politics where young people are inspired by their peers in politics and the real concerns of young people are addressed and responded to.

For more info, head to

The role

As a Campaigner, you will help create a supportive network for the candidates, find them resources, volunteers, engage with the media and reach out to community groups.

The time commitment varies overtime, and may start as one day per week, closer to elections increasing to multiple days or regular contact with candidates and networks. However, this depends on the size of your team. As a lead in your state, you can recruit more volunteers to support you and reduce the load (we actually would greatly recommend this, the work would be a lot for one or two people).

We are looking for 2 Lead Campaigners based anywhere in NSW to grow our statewide movement!

An ideal applicant would:

  • Be passionate about environmental, social and economic justice and be able to speak to these values with relative confidence - this would be someone who tries to stay up to date with changes in policy and follows various movements already (e.g. Indigenous rights movement, climate change movement, raise the rate movement etc)
  • Interested in community organising and campaigning (do not necessarily need a lot of experience - would help though!)
  • Loves chatting to and working with other young people (<35yo)
  • Able to commit 1-2 days to this volunteer role
  • Happy to work online and use software such as Google Suite, AirTable, Slack and social media
  • Has or is willing to create community networks to help with recruiting volunteers for you team and for candidates
  • A fast-learner with a positive attitude!

A typical day would look like:

  • Reaching out to community groups and sharing the movement with them
  • Researching media networks and potential contacts
  • Writing press releases and engaging with media
  • Calling new candidates and making sure they align with our values
  • Organising events for candidates
  • Working with the core team to help produce socials and content
  • Creating resources for volunteers and candidates
  • Planning campaigns and thinking ahead for opportunities to engage

If you think you would be a good fit, definitely apply! We need as much help as we can get and there is a place for everyone in this movement!

Application process

  • Apply through link to Run For It's website provided (Click the "Apply Now" button) and mention "campaigner / organiser NSW" role
  • Carina will reach out to you via email and/or text to organise a time to chat and discuss the role and commitment
  • If you're still interested, we will dive into training, strategy and campaigning!

If you have any questions, send an email to [email protected], using the subject line: NSW Campaigners x2 (Voluntary Position) - Flexible Location NSW enquiry via EthicalJobs.

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Applications for this role will take you to the employer’s site.

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Applications for this role will take you to the employer's site.

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