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National Volunteer & Community Care Coordinator

The Men's Table Ltd

National Volunteer & Community Care Coordinator

  • Are you part of the great re-evaluation?
  • Passionate about supporting men’s health and wellbeing?
  • Do you enjoy supporting healthy communities; providing care for healthy functioning peer groups?
  • Apply your experience in volunteer management to a newly forming national volunteer workforce?


The Men’s Table is a fast growing national Not for Profit. We provide a simple, effective grass roots community building and men’s preventative mental health and wellbeing program.

Each Men’s Table meets monthly in the private room of a local pub or restaurant for open hearted sharing about the highs and lows of life. They are enduring groups of diverse local men intentionally listening and sharing about their lives in a trusted and safe place, fostering connection and belonging. At The Men’s Table, we “Go Beyond Banter”.

There are over 2,200 male Table members and just over 200 Tables (and counting) nationally.

Our website and research reports are linked below.

ABOUT TABLE CARE - Supporting Healthy Functioning local peer groups

Whilst each Table is an enduring, self-directed peer group, they require ongoing Care activities to support their healthy functioning. Sometimes a healthy Table becomes Wobbly, (issues arise from time to time) and the Table requires support, mentoring or closer intervention.

To date, the range of Table Care activities have been conducted by our core staff team of Regional Hosts. However, the portfolio of Tables and Care activities has reached a size and scale that requires change.

To support our continued scaling as an organisation, and to tap the tremendous goodwill and skills of men at Tables, a volunteer team of men from existing Tables is now being recruited, trained and deployed to provide ongoing support to Tables. This team will scale up progressively.

The volunteer team, and the full suite of Table Care activities requires coordination and continuous improvement to maximise the effectiveness and harvest the benefits of a volunteer team, whilst supporting sustained healthy functioning at each Table across the country.


In this role you will be accountable for the continued health and growth of our nationwide community of men’s peer groups (Tables).

As a 4-day a week Volunteer and Community Care Coordinator, you will coordinate, train, mentor and support a team of volunteers to assist you with the Care, and the healthy functioning of all Men’s Tables.

You will maintain your own care portfolio of Tables, enjoy opportunities to connect with the Men’s Table community and work closely with our team to support learning and improvement of the Table program for the benefit of men’s health and wellbeing.

To succeed you will have:

  • A passion for and experience in making a difference in the community, and for men’s work.
  • Experience working with, developing and coordinating a growing team of volunteers
  • Insight and experience of supporting healthy functioning peer groups
  • Facilitation and coaching skills to help volunteers, and men at Tables, learn and grow.
  • Strong organising skills to coordinate and guide good process and follow through
  • Proactive energy for outreach and community/volunteer activation.
  • A commitment to your own learning and personal growth.

You will join a growing National team and be part of a dynamic, human centred culture in our organisation.


In the first instance, please call for a conversation in confidence with:

Jim Raptis; 0419 484 430

David Pointon; 0412 199 648




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