Job Summary
- $85,545 - $92,445 (pro rata)
- Applications close:
- Job posted on: 20th Dec 2024
The WWC Education and Advocacy Officer works under the general direction of the Program Manager to deliver the ACT WWC Program. The role focusses on building community capacity to recognise and respond to workplace issues including sexual harassment, discrimination, underpayment of wages, termination of employment, access to leave and other workplace entitlements so people are empowered with knowledge of their rights and entitlements and pathways to access legal assistance, support and advocacy.
The WWC Education and Advocacy Officer is responsible for developing and delivering community engagement activities, education sessions and the development of materials and resources.
The role works closely with internal and external stakeholders to build and strengthen relationships between the ACT WWC and the community, fostering partnerships and collaboration to ensure legal information is accessible and relevant.
Being a woman is a genuine occupational qualification under s34 of the Discrimination Act 1991 (ACT).
The Centre values diverse lived experience and understanding of intersectionality and welcomes applications from First Nations women, women of colour, women from migrant and refugee backgrounds, women with disability and women from the LGBTQIA+ community.
The Women’s Legal Centre is a community legal centre specialising in family law, migration, employment, discrimination and sexual harassment and sexual violence. The Centre provides legal services within a multi-disciplinary, trauma-informed practice model that incorporates social work, cultural support and collaborative flexible services to support women and gender-diverse people.
Our vision is that women are safe, strong and in control of their lives.
Contact for more information (02) 6257 4377 + [email protected], using the subject line: Education and Advocacy Officer enquiry via EthicalJobs.
A position description is attached.