Matched Donations
Together, we’ve raised $4,010,411 to support 300+ ethical organisations.
Each week chooses one special organisation and matches any donation made to them by our community – up to $5,000. We have a goal to raise $400,000 for 48 charities by the end of 2025, including $200,000 donated by us, and $200,000 in community donations that we have catalysed.
Donated by
Donated by the community
All 2016 campaigns
Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience
AIME’s goal is to work with 10,000 Indigenous kids per year by 2018 and see them finish school at the same rate as every Australian child.
Total raised
Ended 22 Feb
Human Rights Law Centre
The Human Rights Law Centre (HRLC) does extraordinary work standing up for human rights in Australia.
Total raised
Ended 31 May
Australia For Dolphins
Australia for Dolphins advocate for the protection of dolphins and challenge practices that cause them harm.
Total raised
Ended 30 Nov
One Million Women
1 Million Women is a mass movement of strong, inspirational women transforming society by taking practical action on climate change in their everyday lives.
Total raised
Ended 30 Sep
The Luke Batty Foundation
The Luke Batty Foundation works to support women and children affected by the trauma of family violence, and aims to effect real change at a judicial level.
Total raised
Ended 31 Jul
Solar Citizens
Solar Citizens is an independent, community-based organisation that represents the millions of Australian households who are powering their lives with the sun/
Total raised
Ended 31 Mar
Campaigns by year
Nominate your organisation for a donation
As a social enterprise, makes regular donations to charities around Australia to support their work for a more just, more equitable and more sustainable world.