Matched Donations
Together, we’ve raised $4,010,411 to support 300+ ethical organisations.
Each week chooses one special organisation and matches any donation made to them by our community – up to $5,000. We have a goal to raise $400,000 for 48 charities by the end of 2025, including $200,000 donated by us, and $200,000 in community donations that we have catalysed.
Donated by
Donated by the community
All 2019 campaigns
Australian Marine Conservation Society
AMCS are Australia’s only national charity dedicated solely to protecting our precious ocean wildlife – a community of ocean lovers across the nation working for healthy seas.
Total raised
Ended 30 Nov
Rainforest Rescue
Rainforest Rescue is a small charity that has been protecting and restoring rainforests in Australia and internationally since 1998.
Total raised
Ended 30 Sep
Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation
ALNF runs nationwide programs that address a wide range of learning needs, with a particular focus on Indigenous, refugee and marginalised communities.
Total raised
Ended 31 Jul
Pollinate Group
Pollinate Group provide neglected communities with access to quality solar products, so families can be healthier, save money, and children can study at night.
Total raised
Ended 31 May
IWDA is the leading Australian agency entirely focussed on women's rights and gender equality in Asia Pacific.
Total raised
Ended 31 Mar
Animal Aid Abroad
Animal Aid Abroad is an international non-profit organisation founded by Janet Thomas in 2007, after living and working in Egypt as a teacher and witnessing cruel treatment of street and working animals every day.
Total raised
Ended 31 Jan
Campaigns by year
Nominate your organisation for a donation
As a social enterprise, makes regular donations to charities around Australia to support their work for a more just, more equitable and more sustainable world.