Matched Donations
Together, we’ve raised $4,010,411 to support 300+ ethical organisations.
Each week chooses one special organisation and matches any donation made to them by our community – up to $5,000. We have a goal to raise $400,000 for 48 charities by the end of 2025, including $200,000 donated by us, and $200,000 in community donations that we have catalysed.
Donated by
Donated by the community
All 2018 campaigns
Since 2005, Yalari has been providing Indigenous children from regional and remote communities across Australia the opportunity to receive a full boarding school scholarship for their entire secondary education.
Total raised
Ended 30 Nov
ASRC helps to protect people seeking refuge in Australia.
Total raised
Ended 30 Sep
The Australia Institute
The Australia Institute is one of the country’s most influential public policy think tanks.
Total raised
Ended 30 Jun
Climate Council
The Climate Council is Australia’s leading climate change communications organisation.
Total raised
Ended 31 Jul
Human Rights Law Centre
The Human Rights Law Centre uses strategic legal action, policy solutions and advocacy to support people and communities to eliminate inequality and injustice and build a fairer, more compassionate Australia.
Total raised
Ended 30 Apr
Project Futures
PROJECT FUTURES is an Australian charity that works to transform the lives of women and children affected by human trafficking, slavery and sexual exploitation.
Total raised
Ended 31 May
Campaigns by year
Nominate your organisation for a donation
As a social enterprise, makes regular donations to charities around Australia to support their work for a more just, more equitable and more sustainable world.