Matched Donations

Together, we’ve raised $4,040,387 to support 300+ ethical organisations.

Matched Donations

Each week chooses one special organisation and matches any donation made to them by our community – up to $5,000. We have a goal to raise $400,000 for 48 charities by the end of 2025, including $200,000 donated by us, and $200,000 in community donations that we have catalysed.


Donated by


Donated by the community

All 2020 campaigns

Welcoming Australia

Welcoming Australia

Welcoming Australia is a small organisation that's making a big difference by providing emergency relief support to people on temporary visas at risk of homelessness and destitution.

Total raised


Ended 30 Nov

Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Friends of the Earth is a grassroots environmental organisation conducting research into a little-known Victorian koala which may hold the key for the species’ survival.

Total raised


Ended 30 Sep

Borneo Orangutan Survival Australia

Borneo Orangutan Survival Australia

Borneo Orangutan Survival Australia works to save orangutans by rescuing and rehabilitating them.

Total raised


Ended 31 Jul

Fair Agenda

Fair Agenda

Fair Agenda is an independent organisation that's driving change for women’s safety, economic security and agency.

Total raised


Ended 31 May

Emergency Leaders for Climate Action

Emergency Leaders for Climate Action

The Emergency Leaders have been monumental in the media over the summer, building pressure on our leaders to act on climate change to reduce the risk of worsening extreme weather events.

Total raised


Ended 31 Mar

Australia-Tibet Council

Australia-Tibet Council

The Australia Tibet Council (ATC) campaigns for an end to China’s occupation of Tibet.

Total raised


Ended 31 Jan

Campaigns by year


Nominate your organisation for a donation

As a social enterprise, makes regular donations to charities around Australia to support their work for a more just, more equitable and more sustainable world.